Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Agreement Templates 50-State Guide

Chris Turitzin
Founder, Single Aim
March 18, 2024
March 10, 2025

Collaborative Agreements, also known as Collaborative Practice Agreements, serve as a foundational element formalizing a cooperative relationship between Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and physicians, ensuring adherence to state-specific legal and regulatory standards for practice. Recognizing that the stipulations governing these agreements can significantly differ from one state to another, we have assembled a collection of templates and examples from across all states mandating their use. These templates can be used to create your own Collaborative Practice Agreements when you are kcking off collaboration between a Nurse Practitioners and a physician.


Alabama NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Alabama, creating a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) involves a series of essential documents, each serving a distinct purpose in the establishment of a collaborative partnership between Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and physicians. For NPs embarking on this journey, understanding and accessing the right forms is crucial.

Firstly, detailed guidance on completing a CPA in Alabama is available through the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners and Medical Licensure Commission's website, which you can visit here.

In most cases, three documents are required to establish the protocols of the collaborative practice in Alabama.

Standard Protocols: Templates tailored to various specialties are accessible here.

Collaborative Practice Quality Assurance plan: Template available here.

Commencement of Collaborative Practice: Template available here.

See full details on Alabama Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Arkansas NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Arkansas, the process for establishing a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) is facilitated by resources provided by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing. For Nurse Practitioners (NPs) looking to form a collaborative partnership with physicians, the state offers a structured approach and essential templates.

For comprehensive instructions on completing a CPA, you can refer to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing's guidelines, available here.

The CPA documentation set in Arkansas includes two primary documents, for which the state has provided templates:

Collaborative Practice Agreement: The template is accessible at here.

Quality Assurance Plan: The template can be found here.

See full details on Arkansas Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


California NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In California, the collaborative practice agreement between a Nurse Practitioner (NP) and a physician must include "standardized procedures," which are agreements on the scope of practice and protocols for patient care. These procedures are crucial for NPs to legally collaborate with physicians within the state.

The California Board of Registered Nursing offers a template for these standardized procedures, which can serve as a guideline for creating a collaborative practice agreement. This template is available here.

Additionally, there are numerous publicly available examples of standardized procedures from various medical specialties across California, providing insight into how different organizations implement these agreements:

Psychiatry Examples

San Francisco

Los Angeles

Urgent Care Example

See full details on California Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Florida NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

For Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in Florida, establishing a collaborative practice with a physician is guided by specific processes outlined by the Florida Board of Nursing.

The Florida Board of Nursing provides detailed information on the requirements and steps for setting up a collaborative practice, available here.

Additionally, a template for creating a collaborative practice agreement is offered by the Board. This template is designed to help NPs and their collaborating physicians structure their partnership and ensure all necessary components are included. The template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Florida Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Georgia NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Georgia, the development of a collaborative practice agreement, referred to as a Nurse Protocol Agreement, is clearly defined and regulated. The Georgia Composite Medical Board provides comprehensive resources to guide Nurse Practitioners (NPs) through this process.

For an overview and detailed instructions on establishing a Nurse Protocol Agreement in Georgia, you can visit this page. Additionally, step-by-step instructions are provided in a document accessible here.

A template for the Nurse Protocol Agreement, is available directly from the Georgia Composite Medical Board. The template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Georgia Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Illinois NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Illinois, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) may need to develop a collaborative practice agreement, termed a Written Collaborative Agreement (WCA), to formalize the collaborative relationship with a physician. The Illinois State Medical Society provides guidance on this process.

Details on developing a WCA, including a template, can be found in a document available here. The document contains a section titled "SAMPLE WRITTEN COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT" which serves as a template for these agreements.

Additionally, for NPs intending to prescribe controlled substances, the state of Illinois mandates a specific process for a collaborating physician to delegate prescriptive authority. Guidance on this process is available here.

As part of this delegation, the collaborating physician must complete and submit a form, which can be accessed here.

See full details on Illinois Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Indiana NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency outlines a detailed process for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) to establish a collaborative practice relationship with physicians. This guide is designed to ensure NPs in Indiana can form compliant and effective collaborative practices.

For a step-by-step guide on establishing these collaborative relationships, see this guide.

To aid in the development of a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA), the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency provides a checklist and a filled-out template example, which can serve as valuable resources:

Checklist for Developing a CPA

Template for a CPA

Additionally, another example of an Indiana CPA can be found here.

See full details on Indiana Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Kentucky NP Collaborative Agreement Template

The Kentucky Board of Nursing outlines the process for developing a collaborative practice relationship, specifically designed for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) seeking prescriptive authority. This guidance can be found here.

In Kentucky, there are two distinct types of Collaborative Agreement for Prescriptive Authority (CAPA) that enable an NP to prescribe both non-controlled and controlled medications: CAPA-NS for Nonscheduled Legend Drugs and CAPA-CS for Controlled Substances.

Nonscheduled Legend Drugs (CAPA-NS):

CAPA-NS Template

CAPA-NS Board Notification Template

Controlled Substances (CAPA-CS):

CAPA-CS Template

CAPA-CS Board Notification Template

See full details on Kentucky Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Louisiana NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN) and State Board of Medical Examiners jointly define the process for establishing collaborative practice relationships. You can find their guidelines on the LSBN website.

The LSBN also provides a specific template for the Louisiana Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA). This template can be found on the LSBN website.

See full details on Louisiana Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Michigan NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) provides guidelines for collaborative practice agreements between nurse practitioners and physicians.  According to the guidance, agreements must include the following key elements:

  • Communication and Availability: A process outlining how the NP and physician will communicate, ensure physician availability for consultations, and establish an emergency plan when the designated physician is unavailable.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defined duties for both the NP and physician, taking into account their individual education, training, and experience.
  • Termination Clause: A provision allowing either the NP or physician to end the collaborative agreement.
  • Signatures: The agreement must be signed by both the NP and the collaborating physician.

For NPs seeking examples of Michigan collaborative practice agreements, multiple organizations have made their CPAs publicly available.

Sterling Area Health Center Example

Odell Medical Search Example

See full details on Michigan Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Missouri NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Missouri Board of Nursing provides comprehensive guidelines for Nurse Practitioner (NP) Collaborative Practice Agreements on their website. These agreements are a legal requirement for NPs practicing in Missouri.

Key Requirements

  • Consultation and Referral: The agreement must define how the NP will consult with the collaborating physician or a designated healthcare facility for complex cases or emergencies that fall outside the NP's scope of practice.
  • Specificity: The agreement must take the form of written protocols or standing orders tailored to the specific conditions treated by the NP and collaborating physician.
  • Signatures and Recordkeeping: Both the NP and collaborating physician must sign and date the agreement, signifying their understanding and acceptance of its terms. The agreement must be kept on file for a minimum of eight years, even after termination.
  • Abnormal Test Results: The agreement must outline the process for reviewing and managing abnormal test results.

Collaborative Practice Agreement Examples

Some Missouri healthcare organizations openly share their collaborative practice agreements. NPs can use these examples to structure their own agreements.

SSM Health Example


Mississippi NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

Mississippi Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to have collaborative practice agreements with state-licensed physicians.

The Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure offers a sample collaborative practice protocol on their website. This document outlines the structure of how collaborative relationships between NPs and physicians can be implemented in Mississippi.

New Jersey

New Jersey NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In New Jersey, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA), referred to as a "joint protocol," with a licensed physician in the state.

The NJ Board of Nursing provides a framework for these collaborative relationships. Additionally, the Society of Psychiatry Advanced Practice Nurses offers a specific guide for creating CPAs in New Jersey.

There are multiple organizations that have publicly shared New Jersey collaborative practice agreement examples:

Example Joint Protocol

NJ Mental Health Services

New York

New York NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The New York State Department of Education offers guidance for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and physicians who wish to form collaborative relationships. You can find their information on collaborative practice on their website.

The Department of Education offers a sample collaborative practice agreement template.

Multiple New York organizations have publicly shared examples of New York collaborative practice agreements:

SUNY Upstate University Hospital

Kaleida Health

North Carolina

North Carolina NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

North Carolina Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to have a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) with a supervising physician, as outlined by the North Carolina Board of Nursing and the North Carolina Medical Board.

The CPA must address prescribing authority, emergency procedures, patient population, and a quality improvement process. The agreement should outline the drugs, devices, and treatments the NP may prescribe and include a plan for supervision, consultation, and evaluation. A written quality assurance plan is required for periodic review of patient care. The CPA must be reviewed and signed annually by both the NP and the physician and be available for inspection.

There are multiple organizations that have publicly shared North Carolina collaborative practice agreement examples:

UNC School of Medicine

NC Psychiatric Association


Ohio NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Ohio, the process for completing a collaborative practice agreement, known as a Standard Care Arrangement (SCA), is facilitated by resources from the Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses (OAAPN). The OAAPN outlines the steps and necessary components for these agreements on their website.

Additionally, the OAAPN offers a template for a Standard Care Arrangement. While the template is provided for a fee, it can serve as a guide for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) looking to establish a collaborative practice in Ohio. The template can be accessed here.

For NPs seeking examples of Standard Care Arrangements in practice, several organizations have made their SCAs publicly available. These can provide practical insights into how different healthcare settings implement SCAs:

Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

Example Family Practice

University of Cincinnati


Oklahoma NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Oklahoma, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), including Certified Nurse Practitioners (CNPs), are required to establish a Collaborative Agreement with a licensed physician to obtain prescriptive authority. This agreement, known as the Agreement for Physician Supervising Advanced Practice Prescriptive Authority, outlines the scope of practice, supervision requirements, and prescriptive authority guidelines. The Oklahoma Board of Nursing provides detailed guidance on completing this agreement.

For comprehensive details, refer to the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act, which outlines the legal requirements for APRNs in collaborative practice.

The Oklahoma Prescriptive Authority Collaborative Agreement Template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Oklahoma Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Pennsylvania NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Pennsylvania, Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners (CRNPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Agreement with a licensed physician to practice and obtain prescriptive authority. This written and signed agreement defines the collaborative working relationship between the CRNP and the collaborating physician, outlining the scope of practice, communication methods, and collaborative responsibilities. citeturn0search11

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing provides detailed guidance on completing the CRNP Prescriptive Authority Collaborative Agreement, which you can access here.

Download the Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP) Prescriptive Authority Application ( PENNSYLVANIA STATE BOARD OF NURSING) here.

For comprehensive instructions on completing the agreement, refer to the Application Guide: CRNP Prescriptive Authority Agreement Guide provided by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing. Access the guide here.

See full details on Pennsylvania Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates .

South Carolina

South Carolina NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In South Carolina, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) must establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement with a licensed physician to legally practice within their scope. This agreement is essential for defining the NP’s responsibilities, scope of practice, and protocols for patient care, ensuring compliance with South Carolina regulations. The collaborative agreement should include clear guidelines on consultation and referral processes, performance evaluations, prescriptive authority (if applicable), and emergency protocols.

South Carolina law requires that the collaborating physician be licensed in-state and accessible for consultations. NPs in South Carolina who have prescriptive authority, including for controlled substances, must document this explicitly in the agreement. The South Carolina Board of Nursing provides guidance for these agreements but does not offer a standardized template. However, resources like the South Carolina Academy of Family Physicians (SCAFP) collaborative agreement template offer examples that can be customized for primary care and other specialties.

Under state rules, NPs must notify the Board within 15 business days of any new, changed, or terminated agreement. For more information on maintaining compliance and accessing resources, visit the South Carolina Board of Nursing APRN section.

See full details on South Carolina Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Tennessee NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Tennessee, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to create a Collaborative Practice Agreement with a licensed physician to practice legally within the state. This agreement is essential for defining the NP’s responsibilities, protocols for patient care, prescriptive authority, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Tennessee’s collaborative agreement must outline key elements such as the NP’s scope of practice, which details specific medical tasks the NP is permitted to perform under physician supervision, as well as emergency protocols and guidelines for consultation and referral processes. Notably, Tennessee law mandates that NPs and their collaborating physicians meet in person at least twice per year to review patient care, discuss practice needs, and evaluate protocols.

To comply with chart review requirements, Tennessee regulations require collaborating physicians to review at least 20% of the NP's patient charts every 30 days, which supports quality assurance and adherence to state standards. Resources from the Tennessee Board of Nursing provide helpful guidance for structuring collaborative agreements, including a notice and formulary form required for NPs with prescriptive authority (Form PH-3625).

For sample templates and protocols, the Advanced Practice Providers and Supervising Physician’s Guidelines offer valuable insights on collaborative agreements, quality review processes, and supervisory responsibilities. By ensuring compliance with these Tennessee-specific requirements, NPs can confidently establish their practice within the state’s regulatory framework.

See full details on Tennessee Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Texas NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

Texas Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have a unique requirement for their collaborative practice agreements (CPAs), consisting of two key components:

  • Delegated Authority Protocol: Outlines the NP's scope of practice as authorized by the collaborating physician.
  • Prescriptive Authority Agreement: Specifically addresses the NP's ability to prescribe medications under the physician's supervision.

These two parts are frequently combined into a single collaborative agreement document.

Resources & Templates

Texas Board of Nursing: Offers guidance and a comprehensive FAQ on collaborative practice relationships for Texas NPs.

Texas Nurse Practitioners:  This non-profit organization provides a template CPA for a fee.


Many Texas healthcare organizations publicly share their collaborative practice agreement templates. Here are a few examples:

Texas Tech University Delegation Protocol

Texas Department of Criminal Justice Prescriptive Authority Agreement

Tiopa IPA Collaborative Practice Agreement


Virginia NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Virginia, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) with a licensed physician to practice and obtain prescriptive authority. This agreement defines the scope of practice, prescriptive privileges, and the collaborative responsibilities between the NP and the supervising physician.

The Virginia Board of Nursing provides detailed guidance on completing a Collaborative Practice Agreement, which you can access the guidelines here.

The Virginia Advanced Practice Nurse Practice Agreement Template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Virginia Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.

West Virginia

West Virginia NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In West Virginia, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Agreement with a licensed physician to obtain prescriptive authority. This agreement defines the scope of practice, prescriptive privileges, and the collaborative responsibilities between the NP and the physician.

The Collaborative Agreement Form formalizes the NP-physician collaboration. Download the template here.

The Guidelines for Completing the CPA provide step-by-step instructions on how to properly complete the agreement. Access the guidelines here.

See full details on West Virginia Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates


Wisconsin NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Wisconsin, the process for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) entering collaborative relationships with physicians is straightforward, owing to the simplicity of the relevant laws. To aid NPs in formalizing these agreements, the Wisconsin Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) provides a template for a Wisconsin Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Agreement. This template is publicly accessible and has been reviewed and accepted by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing. NPs are encouraged to use and modify the template as needed to suit their specific circumstances.

Download the Wisconsin Collaborative Practice Agreement Template

See full details on Wisconsin Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.

Table Of Contents

Collaborative Agreements, also known as Collaborative Practice Agreements, serve as a foundational element formalizing a cooperative relationship between Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and physicians, ensuring adherence to state-specific legal and regulatory standards for practice. Recognizing that the stipulations governing these agreements can significantly differ from one state to another, we have assembled a collection of templates and examples from across all states mandating their use. These templates can be used to create your own Collaborative Practice Agreements when you are kcking off collaboration between a Nurse Practitioners and a physician.


Alabama NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Alabama, creating a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) involves a series of essential documents, each serving a distinct purpose in the establishment of a collaborative partnership between Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and physicians. For NPs embarking on this journey, understanding and accessing the right forms is crucial.

Firstly, detailed guidance on completing a CPA in Alabama is available through the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners and Medical Licensure Commission's website, which you can visit here.

In most cases, three documents are required to establish the protocols of the collaborative practice in Alabama.

Standard Protocols: Templates tailored to various specialties are accessible here.

Collaborative Practice Quality Assurance plan: Template available here.

Commencement of Collaborative Practice: Template available here.

See full details on Alabama Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Arkansas NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Arkansas, the process for establishing a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) is facilitated by resources provided by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing. For Nurse Practitioners (NPs) looking to form a collaborative partnership with physicians, the state offers a structured approach and essential templates.

For comprehensive instructions on completing a CPA, you can refer to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing's guidelines, available here.

The CPA documentation set in Arkansas includes two primary documents, for which the state has provided templates:

Collaborative Practice Agreement: The template is accessible at here.

Quality Assurance Plan: The template can be found here.

See full details on Arkansas Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


California NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In California, the collaborative practice agreement between a Nurse Practitioner (NP) and a physician must include "standardized procedures," which are agreements on the scope of practice and protocols for patient care. These procedures are crucial for NPs to legally collaborate with physicians within the state.

The California Board of Registered Nursing offers a template for these standardized procedures, which can serve as a guideline for creating a collaborative practice agreement. This template is available here.

Additionally, there are numerous publicly available examples of standardized procedures from various medical specialties across California, providing insight into how different organizations implement these agreements:

Psychiatry Examples

San Francisco

Los Angeles

Urgent Care Example

See full details on California Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Florida NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

For Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in Florida, establishing a collaborative practice with a physician is guided by specific processes outlined by the Florida Board of Nursing.

The Florida Board of Nursing provides detailed information on the requirements and steps for setting up a collaborative practice, available here.

Additionally, a template for creating a collaborative practice agreement is offered by the Board. This template is designed to help NPs and their collaborating physicians structure their partnership and ensure all necessary components are included. The template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Florida Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Georgia NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Georgia, the development of a collaborative practice agreement, referred to as a Nurse Protocol Agreement, is clearly defined and regulated. The Georgia Composite Medical Board provides comprehensive resources to guide Nurse Practitioners (NPs) through this process.

For an overview and detailed instructions on establishing a Nurse Protocol Agreement in Georgia, you can visit this page. Additionally, step-by-step instructions are provided in a document accessible here.

A template for the Nurse Protocol Agreement, is available directly from the Georgia Composite Medical Board. The template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Georgia Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Illinois NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Illinois, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) may need to develop a collaborative practice agreement, termed a Written Collaborative Agreement (WCA), to formalize the collaborative relationship with a physician. The Illinois State Medical Society provides guidance on this process.

Details on developing a WCA, including a template, can be found in a document available here. The document contains a section titled "SAMPLE WRITTEN COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT" which serves as a template for these agreements.

Additionally, for NPs intending to prescribe controlled substances, the state of Illinois mandates a specific process for a collaborating physician to delegate prescriptive authority. Guidance on this process is available here.

As part of this delegation, the collaborating physician must complete and submit a form, which can be accessed here.

See full details on Illinois Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Indiana NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency outlines a detailed process for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) to establish a collaborative practice relationship with physicians. This guide is designed to ensure NPs in Indiana can form compliant and effective collaborative practices.

For a step-by-step guide on establishing these collaborative relationships, see this guide.

To aid in the development of a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA), the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency provides a checklist and a filled-out template example, which can serve as valuable resources:

Checklist for Developing a CPA

Template for a CPA

Additionally, another example of an Indiana CPA can be found here.

See full details on Indiana Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Kentucky NP Collaborative Agreement Template

The Kentucky Board of Nursing outlines the process for developing a collaborative practice relationship, specifically designed for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) seeking prescriptive authority. This guidance can be found here.

In Kentucky, there are two distinct types of Collaborative Agreement for Prescriptive Authority (CAPA) that enable an NP to prescribe both non-controlled and controlled medications: CAPA-NS for Nonscheduled Legend Drugs and CAPA-CS for Controlled Substances.

Nonscheduled Legend Drugs (CAPA-NS):

CAPA-NS Template

CAPA-NS Board Notification Template

Controlled Substances (CAPA-CS):

CAPA-CS Template

CAPA-CS Board Notification Template

See full details on Kentucky Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Louisiana NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN) and State Board of Medical Examiners jointly define the process for establishing collaborative practice relationships. You can find their guidelines on the LSBN website.

The LSBN also provides a specific template for the Louisiana Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA). This template can be found on the LSBN website.

See full details on Louisiana Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Michigan NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) provides guidelines for collaborative practice agreements between nurse practitioners and physicians.  According to the guidance, agreements must include the following key elements:

  • Communication and Availability: A process outlining how the NP and physician will communicate, ensure physician availability for consultations, and establish an emergency plan when the designated physician is unavailable.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defined duties for both the NP and physician, taking into account their individual education, training, and experience.
  • Termination Clause: A provision allowing either the NP or physician to end the collaborative agreement.
  • Signatures: The agreement must be signed by both the NP and the collaborating physician.

For NPs seeking examples of Michigan collaborative practice agreements, multiple organizations have made their CPAs publicly available.

Sterling Area Health Center Example

Odell Medical Search Example

See full details on Michigan Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Missouri NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The Missouri Board of Nursing provides comprehensive guidelines for Nurse Practitioner (NP) Collaborative Practice Agreements on their website. These agreements are a legal requirement for NPs practicing in Missouri.

Key Requirements

  • Consultation and Referral: The agreement must define how the NP will consult with the collaborating physician or a designated healthcare facility for complex cases or emergencies that fall outside the NP's scope of practice.
  • Specificity: The agreement must take the form of written protocols or standing orders tailored to the specific conditions treated by the NP and collaborating physician.
  • Signatures and Recordkeeping: Both the NP and collaborating physician must sign and date the agreement, signifying their understanding and acceptance of its terms. The agreement must be kept on file for a minimum of eight years, even after termination.
  • Abnormal Test Results: The agreement must outline the process for reviewing and managing abnormal test results.

Collaborative Practice Agreement Examples

Some Missouri healthcare organizations openly share their collaborative practice agreements. NPs can use these examples to structure their own agreements.

SSM Health Example


Mississippi NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

Mississippi Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to have collaborative practice agreements with state-licensed physicians.

The Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure offers a sample collaborative practice protocol on their website. This document outlines the structure of how collaborative relationships between NPs and physicians can be implemented in Mississippi.

New Jersey

New Jersey NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In New Jersey, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA), referred to as a "joint protocol," with a licensed physician in the state.

The NJ Board of Nursing provides a framework for these collaborative relationships. Additionally, the Society of Psychiatry Advanced Practice Nurses offers a specific guide for creating CPAs in New Jersey.

There are multiple organizations that have publicly shared New Jersey collaborative practice agreement examples:

Example Joint Protocol

NJ Mental Health Services

New York

New York NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

The New York State Department of Education offers guidance for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and physicians who wish to form collaborative relationships. You can find their information on collaborative practice on their website.

The Department of Education offers a sample collaborative practice agreement template.

Multiple New York organizations have publicly shared examples of New York collaborative practice agreements:

SUNY Upstate University Hospital

Kaleida Health

North Carolina

North Carolina NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

North Carolina Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to have a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) with a supervising physician, as outlined by the North Carolina Board of Nursing and the North Carolina Medical Board.

The CPA must address prescribing authority, emergency procedures, patient population, and a quality improvement process. The agreement should outline the drugs, devices, and treatments the NP may prescribe and include a plan for supervision, consultation, and evaluation. A written quality assurance plan is required for periodic review of patient care. The CPA must be reviewed and signed annually by both the NP and the physician and be available for inspection.

There are multiple organizations that have publicly shared North Carolina collaborative practice agreement examples:

UNC School of Medicine

NC Psychiatric Association


Ohio NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Ohio, the process for completing a collaborative practice agreement, known as a Standard Care Arrangement (SCA), is facilitated by resources from the Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses (OAAPN). The OAAPN outlines the steps and necessary components for these agreements on their website.

Additionally, the OAAPN offers a template for a Standard Care Arrangement. While the template is provided for a fee, it can serve as a guide for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) looking to establish a collaborative practice in Ohio. The template can be accessed here.

For NPs seeking examples of Standard Care Arrangements in practice, several organizations have made their SCAs publicly available. These can provide practical insights into how different healthcare settings implement SCAs:

Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

Example Family Practice

University of Cincinnati


Oklahoma NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Oklahoma, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), including Certified Nurse Practitioners (CNPs), are required to establish a Collaborative Agreement with a licensed physician to obtain prescriptive authority. This agreement, known as the Agreement for Physician Supervising Advanced Practice Prescriptive Authority, outlines the scope of practice, supervision requirements, and prescriptive authority guidelines. The Oklahoma Board of Nursing provides detailed guidance on completing this agreement.

For comprehensive details, refer to the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act, which outlines the legal requirements for APRNs in collaborative practice.

The Oklahoma Prescriptive Authority Collaborative Agreement Template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Oklahoma Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Pennsylvania NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Pennsylvania, Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners (CRNPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Agreement with a licensed physician to practice and obtain prescriptive authority. This written and signed agreement defines the collaborative working relationship between the CRNP and the collaborating physician, outlining the scope of practice, communication methods, and collaborative responsibilities. citeturn0search11

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing provides detailed guidance on completing the CRNP Prescriptive Authority Collaborative Agreement, which you can access here.

Download the Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP) Prescriptive Authority Application ( PENNSYLVANIA STATE BOARD OF NURSING) here.

For comprehensive instructions on completing the agreement, refer to the Application Guide: CRNP Prescriptive Authority Agreement Guide provided by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing. Access the guide here.

See full details on Pennsylvania Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates .

South Carolina

South Carolina NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In South Carolina, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) must establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement with a licensed physician to legally practice within their scope. This agreement is essential for defining the NP’s responsibilities, scope of practice, and protocols for patient care, ensuring compliance with South Carolina regulations. The collaborative agreement should include clear guidelines on consultation and referral processes, performance evaluations, prescriptive authority (if applicable), and emergency protocols.

South Carolina law requires that the collaborating physician be licensed in-state and accessible for consultations. NPs in South Carolina who have prescriptive authority, including for controlled substances, must document this explicitly in the agreement. The South Carolina Board of Nursing provides guidance for these agreements but does not offer a standardized template. However, resources like the South Carolina Academy of Family Physicians (SCAFP) collaborative agreement template offer examples that can be customized for primary care and other specialties.

Under state rules, NPs must notify the Board within 15 business days of any new, changed, or terminated agreement. For more information on maintaining compliance and accessing resources, visit the South Carolina Board of Nursing APRN section.

See full details on South Carolina Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Tennessee NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Tennessee, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to create a Collaborative Practice Agreement with a licensed physician to practice legally within the state. This agreement is essential for defining the NP’s responsibilities, protocols for patient care, prescriptive authority, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Tennessee’s collaborative agreement must outline key elements such as the NP’s scope of practice, which details specific medical tasks the NP is permitted to perform under physician supervision, as well as emergency protocols and guidelines for consultation and referral processes. Notably, Tennessee law mandates that NPs and their collaborating physicians meet in person at least twice per year to review patient care, discuss practice needs, and evaluate protocols.

To comply with chart review requirements, Tennessee regulations require collaborating physicians to review at least 20% of the NP's patient charts every 30 days, which supports quality assurance and adherence to state standards. Resources from the Tennessee Board of Nursing provide helpful guidance for structuring collaborative agreements, including a notice and formulary form required for NPs with prescriptive authority (Form PH-3625).

For sample templates and protocols, the Advanced Practice Providers and Supervising Physician’s Guidelines offer valuable insights on collaborative agreements, quality review processes, and supervisory responsibilities. By ensuring compliance with these Tennessee-specific requirements, NPs can confidently establish their practice within the state’s regulatory framework.

See full details on Tennessee Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.


Texas NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

Texas Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have a unique requirement for their collaborative practice agreements (CPAs), consisting of two key components:

  • Delegated Authority Protocol: Outlines the NP's scope of practice as authorized by the collaborating physician.
  • Prescriptive Authority Agreement: Specifically addresses the NP's ability to prescribe medications under the physician's supervision.

These two parts are frequently combined into a single collaborative agreement document.

Resources & Templates

Texas Board of Nursing: Offers guidance and a comprehensive FAQ on collaborative practice relationships for Texas NPs.

Texas Nurse Practitioners:  This non-profit organization provides a template CPA for a fee.


Many Texas healthcare organizations publicly share their collaborative practice agreement templates. Here are a few examples:

Texas Tech University Delegation Protocol

Texas Department of Criminal Justice Prescriptive Authority Agreement

Tiopa IPA Collaborative Practice Agreement


Virginia NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Virginia, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) with a licensed physician to practice and obtain prescriptive authority. This agreement defines the scope of practice, prescriptive privileges, and the collaborative responsibilities between the NP and the supervising physician.

The Virginia Board of Nursing provides detailed guidance on completing a Collaborative Practice Agreement, which you can access the guidelines here.

The Virginia Advanced Practice Nurse Practice Agreement Template can be downloaded here.

See full details on Virginia Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.

West Virginia

West Virginia NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In West Virginia, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are required to establish a Collaborative Agreement with a licensed physician to obtain prescriptive authority. This agreement defines the scope of practice, prescriptive privileges, and the collaborative responsibilities between the NP and the physician.

The Collaborative Agreement Form formalizes the NP-physician collaboration. Download the template here.

The Guidelines for Completing the CPA provide step-by-step instructions on how to properly complete the agreement. Access the guidelines here.

See full details on West Virginia Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates


Wisconsin NP Collaborative Agreement Templates

In Wisconsin, the process for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) entering collaborative relationships with physicians is straightforward, owing to the simplicity of the relevant laws. To aid NPs in formalizing these agreements, the Wisconsin Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) provides a template for a Wisconsin Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Agreement. This template is publicly accessible and has been reviewed and accepted by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing. NPs are encouraged to use and modify the template as needed to suit their specific circumstances.

Download the Wisconsin Collaborative Practice Agreement Template

See full details on Wisconsin Collaborative Practice Agreement Templates.

Chris Turitzin

Founder, Single Aim
About the Author

Chris, founded Single Aim Health in 2024 to provide clinicians, especially NPs and PAs, with essential services for launching and growing their practices. A Stanford graduate in Product Design, Chris co-founded Momentus Media, which was acquired by Facebook, and worked as a Product Manager there. He later gained expertise in digital health through leadership roles at Bicycle Health, Virta Health, and founding Wink Health. Now, he is using his experience to help clinicians through Single Aim Health.

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